Benefit Statements
Fully Customizable Benefit Cost Breakdowns

As healthcare insurance costs grow, they absorb many of the dollars that might otherwise be available for compensation. Benefits Statements help employees appreciate their total compensation package and maximize the value of their benefits.
Optimal Comp
Our Optimal Comp™ program is a new concept in benefits statements. Each employee receives a personalized booklet that outlines his or her benefits and the associated employer costs. It simply defines for an employee the exact benefits that have been provided to him or her. It can also be customized to include specific content that highlights ways employees can have a positive impact on healthcare:
- Complete outline of all employer provided benefits
- Information about how and why healthcare costs continue to rise
- Examples of categories of rising healthcare costs faced by an employer
- Steps an employee can take, and resources available, to empower employees to better control healthcare costs
- Information about using pharmacy benefits wisely
- How better health and wellness can help reduce cost
- Wellness information and resources available through the employer healthcare providers and community.